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Helping a Rescued Kitty Adjust

October 1 2014

Have you recently decided to save a life, and bring a rescued cat into your Myrtle Beach home? We wholeheartedly support the rescue and adoption of abandoned, abused, or neglected animals. Adopting a rescued animal can be a truly gratifying and meaningful experience. Many people who have given animals second chances report that their pets seem to fully understand that they have been saved, and are all the more loving for it. Your vet clinic Myrtle Beach gives a few tips on helping a rescue cat adjust in this article. Animals often end up in bad situations through no fault of their own. Beloved pets can get lost or run away, or find their circumstances changed due to the passing or illness of their humans. Whatever the reason or circumstance, many of these animals end up in shelters, where their time may be very limited. Even the best-run shelters can be scary places for animals. The scents and sounds, coupled with confinement, can be very frightening and bewildering for a kitty. Your new furball may need a bit of time to settle in once you bring her home.

Start Slow

Set up a room where your kitty can stay for a few days as she settles into your home. You’ll want to make this room as comfy and cozy as possible for your new buddy. Keep her food, water, and litter in there, and give Fluffy plenty of toys as well. There are few things cats love more than sleeping, so give your new furkid lots of soft, comfy options for sleeping spots. You don’t need to spend a fortune on cat beds to make Kitty’s first apartment luxurious. You can put blankets, pillows or towels in cardboard boxes, on chairs, and even in laundry baskets.

Forming Friendships

Each cat is different, and they all have very distinct personalities. Some kitties will snuggle up to you, purring, on day one, while others may be frightened at first. Give your cat lots of treats and attention, but never force affection on her. Let her come to you, and if she walks away, let her go. Speak softly, in soothing tones, pet her gently, and play with her.


When a few days have passed, your new feline buddy should have adjusted a bit. You can now allow your cat to start exploring her new home. Choose a quiet time of day to let her out of her room for the first time. Don’t be surprised if she is timid for the first few days and often runs back to her safety zone. If you have other animals, introduce them very slowly, in stages. Please click here for more articles from your vet clinic Myrtle Beach.

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