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Why is My Cat Constantly Crying and Meowing?

September 15 2014

Your Siamese cat Kiwi has been making quite a racket lately. You know cats are big on meowing, but at some point they generally stop and quietly go about their business. However, Kiwi has put that theory to rest, as she meows and even cries at all hours of the day and night. You’ve read that high-energy or Oriental cat breeds, like Kiwi, are especially likely to engage in over-the-top meowing behavior. While you appreciate that, you’d just like to get some sleep at night. You’ve asked your Conway veterinarian to evaluate Kiwi and get her objectionable behavior under control.

Noisy Symptoms

Kiwi’s symptoms are pretty easy to pinpoint: she meows and cries a lot. Since Kiwi’s 10 years old, she’s approaching senior feline status, and she’ll be even more likely to engage in nighttime meowing marathons then. If Kiwi were a younger female who was breeding, she’d probably meow and yowl like crazy during those episodes.

Causes of the Cacaphony

Like other puzzling problems, Kiwi’s meowing and crying could be caused by a medical condition, such as a disease or painful injury. Kiwi might be in distress, especially if she’s been separated from a favorite feline or human companion. On the other hand, Kiwi’s behavior could result from a territorial conflict, if you have several cats vying for control of your house. Finally, Kiwi might simply be seeking attention, and she figures she’ll get it if she yells and screams loudly enough.

Diagnostic Protocols

First, your vet wants to test for a medical problem. He’ll begin by giving Kiwi a thorough physical exam. He’ll also request a Complete Blood Count, a Chemical Blood Profile, an electrolyte panel, and a urinalysis. If he suspects a neurological malfunction, he can request imaging tests that will provide him with useful information. On the behavioral side, your vet will ask about recent incidents that could have sparked Kiwi’s behavior. He’ll also gather complete information about Kiwi’s past behavioral health issues.

Tailored Treatment

If your vet thinks an underlying medical condition has caused Kiwi’s excessive vocalization, he’ll treat that ailment first. Then, he’ll likely instruct you not to reinforce Kiwi’s behavior, either by comforting her or punishing her. When Kiwi is quiet and docile, calmly reward her for that excellent behavior. Your vet might also determine that Kiwi has a behavior-related condition that will benefit from medication. Also, ask him if cat obedience training will help to control Kiwi’s meowing behavior. Your Conway vet will monitor Kiwi’s treatment plan, and he might modify your cat’s program based on her progress. He’ll be pleased when you report that you’re getting a good night’s sleep again.

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