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Five Toxic Garden Plants

June 1 2014

Sprucing up your backyard garden or landscaping as the weather warms up? Remember that not everything you may be planting is safe for our dogs and cats! Below, a Myrtle Beach vet discusses five common plants that are hazardous to pets.


Lilies are very toxic to cats, and may be harmful to dogs as well. Ingesting even small amounts of any part of the lily plant can cause a cat to experience vomiting, diarrhea, and even kidney damage. Even though cats may not go out of their way to nibble on a lily, it’s safest to keep them out of your garden. Also check any bouquets you may receive and remove lilies as necessary.


Rhododendron, commonly called azalea, is another toxic garden plant. It contains grayantoxins, which cause vomiting, diarrhea, depression, and severe drooling. There have even been cases of death caused by azalea, so keep your pet away at all costs.


You probably don’t expect the common tulip to be a pet danger, but all parts of the pretty flower-especially the bulb-can cause severe symptoms, ranging from depression and salivation to vomiting and diarrhea. If your pet is the type to chew on whatever’s around, it’s best to keep tulips out of your lawn or garden.


Much like the tulip, the bulb of a daffodil is very dangerous. If your pet eats enough daffodils, low blood pressure, heart palpitations, and convulsions can result! They’re very common, so check your garden and landscaping for these flowers.


Chrysanthemums contain pyrethrins, poisonous chemicals that can cause drooling, diarrhea, and vomiting in dogs and cats. Serious complications can result if your pet eats enough mums, so do whatever’s necessary to keep your pet away from these plants. You may consider fencing off your garden to prevent your pet’s access. These aren’t the only dangerous garden plants and flowers. Check with your Myrtle Beach veterinary professional to get a complete list, and ask what is especially common in your area.

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