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Celebrating Pet Appreciation Week

June 1 2023

Pet Appreciation Week starts on June 4th. There are definitely many reasons to appreciate our furry companions. They not only offer us unconditional love and loyalty, they comfort us in tough times, keep us laughing, and just generally brighten up our lives. Fido and Fluffy are definitely worth celebrating! Read on as a Carolina Forest, SC vet offers some tips on how to celebrate with your four-legged buddy.


Playing actually serves many purposes for our fuzzy friends. It keeps Fido and Fluffy active and moving, often providing their main form of exercise. Playing also provides mental stimulation, which is great for your pet’s mind. Plus, it keeps your furry pal occupied and (hopefully) out of mischief. Take time to play with your animal companion! 


One surefire way to brighten up your furry buddy’s day? Offer them a yummy treat! Fido and Fluffy can both enjoy some plain, cooked meat, fish, or chicken, without the skin, bones, or fat. Store-bought treats are okay too. We would just advise checking the label and going with brands that use healthy ingredients. (Tip: avoid brands that use a lot of fillers, such as high-fructose corn syrup.)

New Digs

Has it been a while since you’ve replaced your pet’s bed? Cats are pretty good about finding napping spots, but dogs don’t have as many options, particularly if they aren’t allowed on the bed or sofa. Fido won’t sleep well on a thin pad! Beds aren’t the only option here, though. Kitties will appreciate a piece of kitty furniture, or perhaps a window seat, while pups may enjoy a kiddie pool, sandbox, or even a doghouse!

Beauty Session

Fido may not be thrilled about being bathed, but he’ll be more comfortable with soft, clean fur. Don’t forget his claws! As for Fluffy, she usually takes care of her own beauty needs, but she’ll still benefit from a good brushing.


Just like the rest of the world, the pet industry has gone high-tech. There are plenty of fun new products for Fluffy and Fido on the market. These range from automated fountains to GPS tags to smart toys that react to pets’ movements. You can even get programmable pet translation pads that will allow your four-legged buddy to ‘speak’ to you directly!

Do you have questions about your pet’s health or care? Contact us, your Carolina Forest, SC pet hospital!

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