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Removing Ticks From Your Pet

March 15 2023

There has been something of a tick explosion in recent years. Unfortunately, the ticks themselves aren’t exploding. However, their numbers certainly have been blowing up. Ticks are technically arachnids, but, unlike most spiders, they are anything but beneficial. They can carry several dangerous diseases, such as Lyme disease, which can make both people and pets very sick. While taking precautions and keeping up with parasite control will go a long way, even the best products don’t offer 100 percent protection, as they become less effective towards the end of their cycle. You’ll also need to regularly check your pet … and evict any hitchhikers you find. A local Carolina Forest, SC vet tells you how below.

Be Prepared

While you can use tweezers to remove ticks, it’s best to get a specialized tick removal tool. They just work a bit better. They don’t cost much, so pick up a few.

Prepare For Disposal

Ticks don’t necessarily die after being removed from their victims. However, you don’t want to put the little monster down the toilet or toss it into the yard, especially if there’s still a chance it could lay eggs. Fill a small container with rubbing alcohol, and use that to get rid of it.

Don Protective Gear

Before going after the little beast, it’s a good idea to don latex gloves and protective eyewear. This gives you another bit of protection against dangerous germs and diseases.

Enlist Accomplices

Some pets won’t bat an eye as their owners go through their fur. Others consider this a huge faux paws, and will struggle to get away. If your furry buddy falls into the latter category, enlist a helper. You may also need to ply your adorable patient with treats.

The Final Battle

When you’re ready, wipe the area of your pet’s skin with rubbing alcohol. Then, using your tool or tweezers, get a hold of the tick. Grab it as close to your pet’s skin as you can, and pull up. Don’t twist it: that may break the tick apart, leaving parts inside your pet’s skin, which can cause infection. Put the tick in the jar you’ve prepared as its tomb. Before tossing it away, take a picture of it. Being able to identify the type of tick it is may be helpful if your four-legged friend develops symptoms.

Do you need parasite control for your pet? Contact us, your local Carolina Forest, SC animal clinic, today!

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