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Tips on Having Guests and Pets

November 15 2017

Are you planning to have company over for the holidays this year? It’s always great to reconnect with friends and family members! However, if you have pets, there are some things you may want to do to ensure that everything goes well between your visitors and your furry friends. Read on as a Carolina Forest, SC vet discusses having guests and pets.

Guest Room

Did you know that as many as 30 percent of adults and 40 percent of kids have allergies? Take a few steps to make your home comfortable for both people who have allergies and people who don’t. If possible, choose flooring instead of tile for your guest room, and get blinds instead of drapes. This will reduce the amount of dust, fur, and dander in that room. We also recommend getting a good air purifier, and opting for hypoallergenic bedding. Vacuuming and dusting regularly, especially before your visitors arrive, is also important.

Puppy Petiquette

Dogs are wonderful pets and companions, but not everyone is as charmed by them as we are. Does your pooch tends to beg and/or jump on people? Keep your pup in his crate or in a separate room during meals and when people are coming or going. You also may want to tire Fido out with a long walk and a fun play session every day to burn off his excess energy. Afterward, he’ll be calmer, and more interested in napping than making mischief.

Kitty Comforts

Some kitties are very friendly, and pretty much see visitors as extra laps to snuggle up on. Others are very timid, and will hide from guests. If you have a scaredy-cat, make sure Fluffy has a comfy hiding spot in every room.

House Rules

Setting down a few basic rules can really help reduce or eliminate the chance of friction. Ask your guests not to feed your furry pal without your permission. Many people foods are toxic to pets, so you don’t want to risk someone inadvertently giving your animal companion something that’s bad for them. It’s also a good idea to ask guests to keep the door to their room closed. You don’t want to find Fido chewing on their shoes, or Fluffy napping in their suitcase! Happy Holidays! Please contact us, your Carolina Forest, SC pet hospital, for all your pet’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!

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