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5 Ways to Help Animals in Need

February 15 2016

If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance that, just like us, you’re an animal lover. Our furred and feathered friends offer us some truly beautiful gifts: unconditional love and loyalty, laughter, cuddles, purrs and tail wags, and comfort. While we may not be able to help every animal on the planet, there are some small ways we can all contribute to the great cause of animal welfare. Read on as a Myrtle Beach, SC vet lists some great ways to help animals in need.

Support Animal Rescues

Many animal rescues run on very tight budgets, in the face of ever-increasing costs and an endless stream of furry wards. There are many ways to help animal charities. Donations of time, money, or supplies are always very much appreciated. There are other things you can do, however: consider organizing a bake sale or yard sale, and donate the proceeds to a local rescue.


Spaying or neutering is not only great for your pet’s health and behavior, it also helps fight animal overpopulation, which is one of the main reasons there are so many homeless animals. Even if you only plan to give your beloved pet’s babies to great homes, there are no guarantees that their own offspring will fare so well. If Fluffy or Fido hasn’t been fixed yet, we recommend getting this done right away.

Teach Empathy

Teaching children to treat animals with compassion, love, kindness, and respect is very important. Even if your young ones are on the right track, you can help other children learn this valuable life lesson. There are some really fun ways to do this without being too overbearing: show heartwarming animal movies the next time you host a sleepover, or help chaperone a trip to a zoo.

Speak Up

If you know of an animal that needs help, alert local authorities. In many cases, you can report animal abuse confidentially, which can help reduce worries of retaliation. You can also help spread the word about sweet animals that need forever homes by sharing posts on social media.


Do you have a dog and a smartphone? Look into this canine-friendly app. Wooftrax donates money to shelters based on how far you walk your furry pal. Please contact us, your Myrtle Beach, SC animal clinic, for all of your pet’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!

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