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Five Signs of a Sick Cat

June 15 2015

Cats are known for being somewhat mysterious and aloof. As a result, it can be difficult to tell if they’re feeling discomfort or are in pain. If you own a feline, you’ll want to take note of these five signs of a sick cat:


A cat’s outward appearance and coat quality is a good indicator of overall health. If your feline friend’s coat looks dull and dry, shedding seems to have increased, or you notice bald patches or crusts, various ailments could be to blame. Disease, injury, parasite infestation, and more are all possibilities, so let your Myrtle Beach, SC veterinarian know right away if you notice a diminished coat quality.


Always be mindful of your pet’s behavior, as dramatic changes are indicative of a health problem. Has your cat suddenly become distant or started acting out aggressively when she’s usually friendly toward everyone? It’s worth a call to your veterinary professional. Even if a disease isn’t present, your cat may require behavior modification, stress reduction, or other techniques to get her feeling like herself again.


Have you noticed an especially offensive odor emanating from your cat’s mouth recently? Don’t assume it’s just your cat’s natural oral odor-rotten-smelling breath often indicates serious dental disorders like periodontitis, and may be indicative of other serious problems like kidney or liver failure. In addition, fruity or sweet-smelling breath is a classic indicator of diabetes.

Food or Water Consumption

If your cat’s food and/or water consumption has increased or decreased dramatically, you’ll want to notify your veterinarian. Diseases like inflammatory bowel disease or diabetes may cause a cat to eat more than usual, while problems like gum disease or kidney failure may vanquish a cat’s appetite completely. Try to take note of how much food and water is left in your cat’s bowl after mealtimes in order to keep track of her consumption.


It won’t be the most pleasant experience, but check your cat’s litter box regularly to monitor the quality of her waste. If you notice that your pet’s stools have changed dramatically in size, frequency, color, or smell, you’ll want to check with your veterinarian. Changes in urination are also worth a call to the office, as cats are particularly prone to urinary tract infections. Keep your Myrtle Beach, SC veterinarian’s phone number on hand at all times to call as soon as you notice something amiss.

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