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Skin Problems in Dogs

April 1 2015

Does your canine pal sometimes seem to scratch himself obsessively? Does your dog sometimes rub his head against things, or lick or chew himself? If so, your furry buddy may have skin problems. Skin problems are quite common in our canine friends, and they can make poor Fido quite miserable! In order to treat your pooch successfully, your vet will need to conduct some tests to find out exactly what is going on. In this article, your Conway veterinarian discusses some common skin problems in dogs.


Itchiness is the number one sign of skin problems in your furry pal. If your dog seems to constantly be scratching himself, or is rubbing at his head with his paws, he may very well be feeling itchy! Fido may also lick himself obsessively if his skin is bothering him. Some skin conditions will have more visible signs, such as redness, flaky or crusty skin, hair loss, and rashes. Bumps, pimples, cysts, and dandruff are also indications of skin trouble in dogs.

Common Conditions

There are over 160 skin disorders which can affect your canine buddy. While some can be cured, others can be managed, but will never go away. Mange, hot spots, yeast, dandruff, fleas and ticks, and skin infections are some of the more common skin problems in our canine friends. Allergic reactions are also not uncommon. Some dogs will have allergic reactions to shampoos, powders, and other doggy care products. Food allergies can also sometimes manifest as skin problems.


Getting a proper diagnosis is key to successfully curing or managing your dog’s skin condition. With so many different possible causes, your vet will need to determine the cause of Fido’s problems. Once a diagnosis is achieved, you’ll be able to move on to treatment options. The exact method needed to help your furry pal will depend on what is causing his issues. Your vet may recommend medication, such as antibiotic, antifungal, or anti-itching medications, or Corticosteroids and antihistamines. A special diet may help in some cases. Regular vacuuming and brushing, hypoallergenic doggy shampoo, and flea protection may also be in order. Do you know or suspect that your four-legged buddy has skin trouble? Contact us anytime! As your Conway vet clinic, we are here to help with all your pet care needs. For more articles on pet care and behavior, please visit our website here .

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