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Dangerous In-Home Pet Toxins

February 15 2014

Just about any normal household already has several hazardous materials inside of it. Don’t go on a mad cleaning binge or throw out all your belongings, though-just abide by your Conway veterinarian’s tips for keeping your pet safe from these materials.

Pest Poisons

Do you use insecticides or rat poison to kill off bugs and pesky rodents? Unfortunately, the poisons we use to stop these pests are just that-poisons! Our four-legged companions aren’t immune to the effects of these materials, and can be seriously poisoned if they accidentally ingest some. Keep your pet far away from these toxins, or consider pet-safe alternatives.

Cleaning Solutions

Cleaners, bleach, polishes, solvents, air fresheners-they all pose a potential risk to cats and dogs. Almost every household cleaning product contains one or more harmful chemicals for pets, so containers should be tightly sealed and properly stored at all times. Put chemicals in a closed closet or locked cabinet where pets can’t reach.

Human Medicine

Did you know that many human medications, including aspirin, painkillers, antibiotics, allergy medications, and antidepressants, can seriously harm a pet? Many prescription and over-the-counter medications are toxic for animals, and can cause vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, difficulty breathing, and worse. Store these medicines carefully, and always keep them separate from your pet’s own medications, as mixing the two up could prove deadly.

Human Food

Of course, much of the food you have in your refrigerator or cabinets could potentially poison a pet if he decides to chow down. Chocolate, onions, garlic, avocado, salty foods, candy and gum, grapes and raisins, alcoholic substances-the list continues. Consult your Conway veterinarian for a complete list of harmful human food, and take steps to store these items safely away where your pet doesn’t have access.

Household Plants

Certain household plants, such as azaleas, rhododendrons, and varieties of the lily flower, may pose a serious poisoning risk to pets. Check through your household plants to make sure you’re not harboring something toxic in your living room, and ask your vet what types of houseplants are safe.

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