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5 Things To Do For Holistic Pet Day

August 15 2022

Holistic Pet Day is August 30th! There is a growing awareness of the benefits of a holistic approach to health and wellness, and how it can help both pets and people. As you may know, the word holistic care incorporates the whole being: mind, body, and spirit. Many different treatments fall under the holistic umbrella, including acupuncture, nutritional healing, massage, and even sound therapies. You don’t have to choose between holistic and modern veterinary care: they can actually complement each other. Here, a local vet lists some ways to incorporate holistic care into your pet’s routine.

Reduce Toxins

One of the best things you can do is to limit your pet’s exposure to toxic and potentially toxic substances. There are many ways you can do this at home. Opt for natural toys and bedding, and choose products from companies that use sustainable resources. 

Improve Water Quality

Making sure your little (or not so little) buddy always has access to clean water is also crucial. You may want to invest in a pet fountain or water filter, especially if your tap water isn’t great.

Upgrade To Healthier Food 

Proper nutrition is a big part of any good pet care regimen, regardless of whether it is holistic or not. Take a look at the label on your pet’s food. It should ideally contain mostly whole, identifiable ingredients. Ask your vet for recommendations. 

Buy Safe Plants

Plants not only give your home a cozy, relaxing feel: they also filter the air! Adopt a new pet-safe plant for your place. Check the ASPCA site here for suggestions.


Things like stress, depression, loneliness, boredom and anxiety can actually take a toll on one’s health. That applies to Fido, Fluffy, and our other animal companions, too! Take Fido to a park, or give Fluffy a new window seat. Toys, treats, cuddles, and playtime are also important. 


Always consult your vet before incorporating any new holistic treatments into your pet’s care regimen. This is especially important if you want to offer your pet any herbal medicine, as some herbs may counteract with other medications. Also, keep in mind that while things like massage and acupuncture can help your furry friend feel better, they should be seen as a complement—not an alternative—to regular veterinary care. 

As your animal clinic, we’re dedicated to offering top-notch care. Contact us anytime! 

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