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Fido’s Gotcha Day

October 15 2021

October 22nd is National Make A Dog’s Day. There are few things that are cuter than a happy pooch excitedly wagging his tail. It doesn’t take much to please our canine companions. Toys, treats, and belly rubs will all do the trick. Of course, the best way to make Fido’s day is to adopt him. Your pet’s Gotcha Day is a life changer for him. It’s a big day for you, too! A Carolina Forest, SC vet discusses bringing your pup home in this article.


Take your furry buddy for a good walk before you bring him indoors. This is a good way for Fido to ‘reset’ before entering his new home. He’ll also be more relaxed if he has an idea of his surroundings.

Meeting Roommates

If you have other pets, it’s important to make sure they get off on the right paw. First impressions are a very big deal to our four-legged friends! With dogs, it’s best to introduce them before finalizing the adoption. As for Fluffy, you’ll want to keep her and Fido separated for a while. Ask your vet for specific advice.


Being in a shelter is very scary and stressful for Man’s Best Friend. Fido may very well be ecstatic to realize he’s been adopted, but he could be a little nervous, too. Give him time to adjust. He may sleep a lot at first. That’s a natural reaction, and a way for him to recuperate. Offer your pooch a comfy doggy bed to snuggle up in.


Fido has a very cute nose, but he also has a habit of letting it lead him into trouble. Petproofing is a must, especially with a new pet. Take some precautions to make your home safe for your new pal before you bring him home. Ask your vet for tips.

Celebratory Dinner

If you know what Fido was eating, get that for now. Dogs have quite sensitive tummies. It’s important to change their foods slowly, and only after talking to your vet. (Of course, some extra treats are definitely in order for that big first day.)


Gotcha Day is a major life event in our book. Take plenty of pictures of Fido on his big day. We love seeing our canine pals going to their forever homes!

As your Carolina Forest, SC animal clinic, we’re here for you. Call us anytime!

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