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Keeping Pets Safe as the Season Changes

March 1 2018

It’s essential to keep your pet’s safety and well-being in mind as winter thaws into spring. Don’t let springtime hazards harm your beloved companion this year! Here, your Carolina Forest, SC vet gives you a few tips for keeping your dog or cat safe and sound as the season changes.

Allergy Awareness

With spring comes allergies to pollen and other substances. Did you know that cats and dogs alike can suffer from severe springtime allergies? If you’ve noticed your pet sniffling and sneezing more than usual as the temperatures increase and trees start to bud, allergies may be to blame. Set up an appointment with your veterinarian; your pet can be tested for allergies, and medications can be prescribed if necessary.

Outdoor Pests

With warming weather comes an increased danger from outdoor pests like fleas, ticks, and worms. It’s far easier to prevent these issues before an infestation or infection takes hold-make sure your pet is wearing the appropriate preventative medications to ward off these pesky critters. It’s also important to have your pet keep up with vaccinations to avoid dangerous diseases, some of which can be caused by pests. Talk to your vet right away if your animal companion needs pest-control products or vaccines.


It’s possible that your pet will be heading outdoors more frequently now that it’s a bit warmer. Although proper identification is important throughout the entire year, now is a good time to make sure your pet is appropriately identified in the case of an unexpected escape. Many pet owners use ID tags on their pet’s collar, as well as a microchip embedded under the skin, to give their pet maximum protection and increase the likelihood that a lost pet will be returned quickly. Talk to your veterinarian if your pet needs identification measures.

Cleaning Tips

Are you going to be doing a bit of spring cleaning in the coming weeks? Remember that various cleaning supplies-everything from bleach-based products and air fresheners to household disinfectants and furniture polish-can harm a pet who manages to ingest them! It’s safest to keep your pet in another room entirely if you’re using strong chemicals. Also make sure that your supply closet remains shut tightly at all times so that your pet can’t access the products inside. Would you like even more great tips on springtime safety? Contact your Carolina Forest, SC veterinary clinic for help.

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