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Holiday Hazards: The Dangers of Easter for Pets

April 15 2014

You probably think of Easter as a time of renewal, happiness, fun, and family. Unfortunately, many of the things that make us happy around the holiday are potentially hazardous to our furry friends! Use your Conway veterinarian’s safety tips to keep your pet from harm.

Avoid Lilies

Were you aware that most species of the lily flower are poisonous to cats? If a cat accidentally ingests them, vomiting, diarrhea, uncoordinated movements, and even worse symptoms can result. If you’ve received lilies in a holiday bouquet, or display them in your home, it might be best to throw them out where your feline friend can’t reach. If you must keep them, make sure they’re in an area that’s off-limits to your pet!

Keep Chocolate to Yourself

As most pet owners probably already know, chocolate is highly toxic to pets and should be avoided at all costs. If your pet decides to chow down on that chocolate bunny, symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, stupor, and even collapse can occur. Store chocolate treats in sealed containers inside the refrigerator or a closed cabinet.

Beware of Candy

Many candies, gum, and certain baked goods contain an artificial sugar substitute known as xylitol. Xylitol is also poisonous to pets, and can bring harm with even a few pieces of candy or sticks of gum. Make sure these products are far out of your pet’s reach.

Egg Hunt Safety

Make sure your curious pet doesn’t decide to round up the Easter eggs himself-if he decides to make them a meal, the sharp edges of the shell could cut him. Eating too many eggs could cause gastrointestinal upset as well. Even plastic eggs could present a choking hazard, and they likely contain dangerous chocolate or candy morsels.

Easter Basket Hazards

Not only do Easter baskets contain the chocolates and candies that could hurt your pet, they probably contain fake plastic grass as a liner. Think the liner is harmless? Think again! Many pets may see the fluttering strings as a toy, and they could get wrapped around a pet’s intestines or cause an intestinal blockage if swallowed. Consult your Conway veterinarian for more helpful tips on keeping your pet safe on Easter. By taking precautions ahead of time, you’ll keep the holiday fun and healthy for the whole family!

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